A few readers have dropped me a line regarding recent posts about BDSM educational programs here in Oz.
I've been promoting these events firstly because I am based in Australia and part of the local BDSM scene here, and secondly, because BDSM educational events in Australia are still quite rare. You can read a post where maymay and I discuss concerns regarding this here.
So it's important to spread the word about educational programs quickly, not only to counter issues we raise in that post but also to encourage kinksters new to BDSM - or real time BDSM - to attend. This blog is for newbies to BDSM and the events I have featured have all been structured FOR beginners, as well as for those with more experience.
Several of you have asked me to promote BDSM programs in your own area, or to keep you informed of events in your area. It's tricky to do the latter because I simply don't have the time or resources to track down educational events worldwide. But with your help - with your eyes and ears tuned to your local scene - I can certainly list more.
As part of the BDSM for Beginners - Going Real Time series I am currently writing, I will be providing links to various groups worldwide who promote, or hold educational programs. So, please do send any info / links - including details of any groups or blogs you yourself start to promote local events - along to me and I'll incorporate them into the Going Real Time series and also post about them, especially if they are for beginners.
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