I was just saying the other day I should start harassing Kitten - who runs Kink-E Magazine and the new Coffee Kink Gallery in Melbourne - re holding educational BDSM workshops at CKG. Great minds think alike, lol...
I just received an email from Kitten regarding Master S' forthcoming Japanese rope bondage workshops. Kitten writes:
"Regarded as one of Melbourne's best riggers, Scott has been tying Japanese inspired rope bondage for the last four years. As well as tying in private, Scott and his partner Caris are often found including rope bondage and suspension in their public play, as well as suspension performances such as at Hellfire Resurrection 2007"Master S observes:
"One of the problems that I hear when people go to rope workshops is that they are too long and cover too many things, meaning by the end of it you have retained very little. As a result, I'm wanting to try a different approach of doing a series of shorter workshops, where a smaller number of things are covered but they are covered in depth with plenty of practice time. For me, I'd like people to be able to do a tie without thinking about it, meaning they can then focus on the connection and energy between themselves and their partner rather than worrying about where the next rope goes.Here's the program:
"I've worked out a progressive series of workshops, going from the basics through to advanced rigging. Ideally people would attend the first basics workshop before attending the other workshops to get the most out of them."
First workshop (Rope basics) - Sunday 18th May 1pm
1: Rope basics
- This workshop covers rope basics. There will be a general safety discussion and an introduction to Japanese bondage, before moving onto practicing tying. Like music has notes, Japanese rope bondage has a series of basic ties that are put together to form the final bondage. These workshops will be looking at these ties, with an emphasis on tying them with speed and efficiency. Practice will be in the form of rope drills.
- This workshop will consist of two one and a half hour sessions, with a half hour break in between. If available, please bring some lengths of rope, ideally around 7 - 8m in length.
- Cost will be $25 per person or $40 per couple, with a concession price of $15 per person or $20 per couple..
2: Bondage for sex
- "Nothing is hotter than tying up your partner and doing bad things to them. This workshop will go beyond the usual "spread eagled to the bed" position (which if you have tried you'll know is actually a really awkward position). Rather than rushing through a heap of positions, the focus will be on tying a smaller number really well. By learning how the basic ties can work together, you will start to gain the skills to bind your partner in any position you want them in"
- The workshop will be 2 1/2 hours in length. Please bring some lengths of rope, ideally around 7 - 8m in length. As we will be doing tying on the ground, feel free to bring a mat to make things more comfortable for you.
- Cost will be $25 per person or $40 per couple, with a concession price of $15 per person or $20 per couple.
- "The chest harness is one of the major building blocks in Japanese rope bondage. But tied incorrectly, a chest harness can lead to nerve damage. This workshop builds a simple chest harness that forms the basis of more complex ones required for suspension. Having done the rope basics workshop will mean you get more out of this workshop"
- The workshop will be 2 hours in length. Please bring at least three lengths of rope of between 7 - 8m in length.
- Cost will be $25 per person or $40 per couple, with a concession price of $15 per person or $20 per couple
- "People who play with rope often talk about the elusive "rope energy". To quote Mark Yu: "Because of its empty nature, rope transmits the intent and power of the Top undisguised and unfiltered. Every nuance, every tremor, and every subtle sensation is given clear transmission to one who receives it." This workshop will cover how to begin to play with this energy in your rope scenes. Attendance at any of the previous workshops will help you get more out of this workshop"
- The workshop will be 2 hours in length. Please bring some lengths of rope, ideally around 7 - 8m in length. As we will be doing some tying on the ground, feel free to bring a mat to make things more comfortable for you.
- Cost will be $25 per person or $40 per couple, with a concession price of $15 per person or $20 per couple.
6: Suspension 2 - side suspension
- "Due to the risks associated with suspension, each of the two suspension workshops will be longer (3 hours), and only open to those who have displayed rope competence. Apart from correct tying techniques, topics will include anatomy and physiology"
- Please try to bring at least six 7 - 8m lengths of 6mm hemp or jute rope, as there will only be a limited amount of jute rope available to practice with.
- Cost for each workshop will be $50 per person or $80 per couple, with a concession price of $25 per person or $40 per couple.
For more info or to join the mailing list, contact:
Coffee Kink Gallery (CKG) - 31 Johnston St Collingwood
Bookings 9415 8269 or email info@kink-e.com.au
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