Uber:learn has just announced it's next six months of educational programs so if you are visiting, or living in, Sydney I recommend you attend one :).
There are some fascinating and unusual subjects as well as more traditional ones. Miss Dee writes:
"when you look through our workshop list, you will see LOTS of rope workshops. that's because we sold out of every rope workshop we did last year. so we decided to schedule in more. and from your feedback, smaller classes help people learn more"For subs looking for a dominant I really recommend you attend the panel on 14 June on that topic.
Below you can find part of the program - for full details and info on how to pay and attend, head to Uber's site here.
Yes, I'll be presenting a couple with Miss Dee. No, I'm not telling you which ones lol!
tuesday 24th february
tuesday 3rd march
barbershop 101 - an excursion to straight-cut heaven
(in conjunction with SLPA)
fascinated with traditional shaving? does a strop and cut-throat razor turn your flesh to goosepimples? then we may have just the thing for you. an old-fashioned barber shows us how he does it (the traditionl shave, that is) and then goes one step further.....the full body shave-down.
while the dates are yet to be confirmed, this workshop is definitely on. places will be strictly limited to 10 per class (given the logistics of getting us all into the barber shop). book early for this one, it is hot as hell, and will definitely sell out.
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 7:00pm. approx 2 hrs ]
sunday 1st march 2009
strap it on, baby!
always wanted to play this way, but a little unsure of the best way to press on in? what is the best beginner toy, and where can you graduate from there? What fears and taboos do you need to deal with? how do you play safe, psychologically and physically? gotten into it, but want to know just the best way to angle your hips for higher, deeper impact?
Then this course is definitely for you. totally pansexual, its not who you fuck, but how that matters!
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 2:30pm. approx 2 hrs ]
thursday 12th march 2009
thursday 30th april 2009
sunday 2nd august 2009
rope bondage 101
always thought that rope work looked HOT, but way too difficult? While it is definitely an artform for some, it can also just be sexy and fun. Come and learn the basics
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 7:00pm. approx 2 hrs ]
sunday 15th march 2009
spank me, spank me hard. please!
from soft "warm up" hand strokes to deep, impacting movements, spanking has been part of the bdsm scene for centuries ... often a place to start (if doesn't require fancy or expensive equipment) some of us gloss over the art of spanking, seeing it as beginner play. but "that ain't necessarily so". discover the sensual, intimate spaces that spanking can provide, with helpful hints and tips to keep them coming back for more.
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 2:30pm. approx 2 hrs ]
sunday 29th march 2009
panel discussion & forum - how do i find a dom(me) and get them to keep me?
a new format for workshop forums for us. a nominated panel, led by a relevant, topical facilitator. actively discussing the topic at hand. all ready to be quizzed and challenged by the audience in a forum configuration.
todays discussion - what can a submissive do to attract a dominant, and what do they have to do to ensure the relationship gets off the starting block, and stays in the race.
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 2:30pm. approx 2 hrs ]
thursday 26th march 2009
thursday 7th may 2009
sunday 16th august 2009
rope bondage 202
getting into the groove? getting to feel the power of the rope? ready to take the next step? moving from the fundamentals of workshop 101, we incorporate limb tying, with more interesting restraints and combinations. you will learn the steps to include rope in your play, including the delightful rope tying for [shhh] sex.
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 7:00pm. approx 2 hrs ]
sunday 5th april
flogging - playing with impact
some people find it's the pain that pushes them into a great space. others swear that it's like having a relaxing deep tissue massage. whatever the sensation, there is no doubt that flogging has an impact! learn about the different types of toys available, safety and taking care of both your whips and your bottoms. technical skills start at beginner strokes, moving up to more advanced maneuvers.
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 2:30pm. approx 2 hrs ]
sunday 19th april 2009
panel discussion & forum - whats my kink? followed by "Whats my kink?" the game show
a new format for workshop forums for us. a nominated panel, led by a relevant, topical facilitator. actively discussing the topic at hand. all ready to be quizzed and challenged by the audience in a forum configuration. today's discussion - what turns our panel members on. Non-traditional areas of kink are discussed and explored.
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 2:30pm. approx 2 hrs ]
followed by: "whats my kink", the game show - following in the footsteps "What's my line" (the original show that Celebrity Head was based on) we play a game with a carefully selected game panel - what is their kink? and do they really know? a fun concept, but when you add some colourful characters from the sydney bdsm scene, its sure to be a laugh and a half!
[cost $10 all attendees, start time 6:00pm approx 2 hrs]
sunday 10 may 2009
bdsm bonanza
(date may be moved to coincide with Leather Pride week, once it is announced)
a format that really worked for us last year. a "circuit class" of bdsm techniques, each displayed by someone who was really really into what they did. our presenters talk about what they love about their particular area, how to do it safely, and show you a demonstration of how. this time we intend to cover areas such as fire play, needles, electrical play, and predicament bondage. but we still may offer more ... get a taste of some different play....
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 2:30pm. approx 4 hrs ]
thursday 14th may 2009
rope bondage - body harnesses
ready for something a little more intricate? the stuff that has the WOW factor? not just for the visual, the different variations of body harnesses can be a lot of fun to play with, and combine naturally into rope bondage scenes. learn a basic harness, then two more, then experiment with different variations on the theme. keep 'em bound (and smiling).
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 7:00pm. approx 2 hrs ]
thursday 26th may 2009
sunday 30th august 2009
rope bondage with objects
remember those cartoon scenes where Dick Dastardly ties Penelope Pittstop to the railway tracks? Ever wished you were her, or him? While we are not tying people to railway tracks (today, at least), we are going to spend an afternoon exploring bondage and objects - chairs, tables, brooms ... all manner of things. everyday objects used in unusual, kinky, and definitely sexy ways. in fact, bring an object with you and try and stump the presenter - tonbi!
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 7:00pm. approx 2 hrs ]
sunday 14th june 2009
bondage 101 – metal, plastic, and ropes
ever wondered what the “b” in bdsm is really all about? how to restrain that lovely plaything so they really can’t move, and what it does to their head while they are there? what can you use to get the effect you want, practically, safely, & efficiently? we discuss and demonstrate the use of chains, cuffs, cling wrap and ropes in a toe-dipping step into the fascinating world of bondage.
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 2.30pm. approx 2 hrs ]
sunday 28th june 2009
cbt & genital bondage - tightly tied treasures
geni-torture!!!!! explore the pain and the glory that small lengths of string, perhaps a few weights, perhaps some other toys, and a little bit of imagination can invoke. experienced players in this field give hands on demonstrations of this wonderful, delicate, and oh-so-very- effective restraint method
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 2.30pm. approx 2 hrs ]
saturday and sunday 11th & 12th july 2009
senior first aid certificate course.
run by SLPA, and we believe in it so much, we are sending all our staff to it as well as attending it ourselves. whilst costs are to be confirmed, it will be approximately $150 for 2 days, including lunches. just think, a first aid course where you can ask about bdsm....
sunday 26th july 2009
strict discipline. knowing what is expected at all times. how do you stand, how do you address people. knowing your place. sexy? fascinating? hot? we explore the world of protocols, what makes them work, and give you some ideas of how to incorporate them into your D/s relationships.
[cost $20, $15 SLPA & Kindred, start time: 2.30pm. approx 2 hrs ]
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