Some regular readers may have noticed I mentioned a special beginners workshop at Uber in Sydney this weekend in my previous BDSM For Beginners: Going Real Time post. Mistress Dee has kindly sent me some more info, so I thought I'd pass it on to you.
Uber has been providing some excellent educational programs this year - and believe me, there are more to come. It's an inner city location, non threatening and comfortable for people just emerging into the Lifestyle. And a nice big space to spread out in, which will be important for this "BDSM Basics Bonanza".
This is the first time Uber has held this particular type of class. It's a really terrific idea. The format is basically a “circuit class” for bdsm basics. There will be four learning stations to explore:
- Caning
- Spanking
- Flogging
- Violet Wand
Miss Dee writes:
"The basic concept is to give you a quick outline of: what we do, why we do it, how to be safe doing it, what turns us on about it, and then show you how to do it yourself. The stay and play option is so that people can experiment with the new skills they have learnt, in a play environment that is not pressured. As well as blow off some of the “tension” and “Excitement” that learning about BDSM can cause :-)The class will be run like this:
"Some of the presenters stay and be available to query and coach, help and assist. As discussed, it’s a new concept and we have no idea how it will go. So lets give it a run and see how it flies!"
2:00 pm Gather everyone together and go through Basic outline & Housekeeping (by Miss Dee)
2:10 pm 5 Min Quick intro from each of the presenters then we split everyone into 4 roughly even groups, to move around to each Learning Area. i.e. Some people will head to the Caning Area, while others to the Flogging, Spanking and Electrics areas.
2:30 pm Start of Session #1
2:50pm Wrap up of Session #1 & move to next station
3:00pm Start of Session #2
3:20pm Quick coffee break
3:50pm Get people organized, and back to Sessions
4:00pm Start of Session #3
4:20pm Wrap up of Session #3 & move to next station
4:30pm Start of Session #4
4:50pm Wrap up of Session # 4 – move to back to Starting area
5:00pm Summary & open Q&A Session (possibly organize food for stayers?)
6:00pm Stay & Play starts
What I love about this workshop is that it combines education, play and enormous potential for fun. So if you have been thinking about attending a BDSM educational event in Sydney, this is definitely the one. And let's support Uber in their unique and interesting educational programs.
Here are Miss Dee's contact details, I'd give her a ring quickly if you'd like to go as there's not much time left:
M i s s D e e
u b e r
TEL: 0407 480 801
And enjoy!
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